Daily Mass TUE-FRI 12PM, Sat. 5 PM, SUN 8 & 10:30 AM - [FRI "Stations" 6PM]
Daily Mass TUE-FRI 12PM, Sat. 5 PM, SUN 8 & 10:30 AM - [FRI "Stations" 6PM]
We hope you find information that will be helpful here. Please contact us for any information you were unable to find on our website or if we can assist you in any way. We hope to see you at our beautiful location, either as an active member of our parish or as a visitor.
St. Therese is a joyful and welcoming Catholic Parish, united in Christ,
promoting discipleship through community, outreach, and service.
St. Therese is a socially active Catholic Church nestled by the sea on Wrightsville Beach. We are united through Jesus Christ in our journey toward a full Communion with God. We strive to create a parish community that develops, reinforces, and shares
our Christian faith, values, and collective gifts.
Pastor: Reverend William Upah
Director of Religious Education: John Lewis
Operations Director: Joe Baiunco
Office Manager: Heather McLaren
Music & Liturgy: Kevin Donnelly.
Our wonderful site on the beach was donated by the Corbett family in the early 1900s as a place for parishioners of St. Mary Parish in Wilmington to attend summer Mass. Eventually a small frame church was built and was called Our Lady Star of the Sea. A resident pastor was assigned here in 1938, and in October, 1944, a new brick building was dedicated as the Church of St. Therese, the Little Flower. In 1954, Hurricane Hazel severely damaged the church and destroyed the rectory. The church was repaired and a new rectory built. A new addition was added in 1963 that doubled the church capacity. In 1976, St. Mark Parish was built to accommodate the growing Catholic population. St. Therese Church again suffered major damage during hurricanes in 1993 and 1996. It was completely renovated and restored to its present state. In 1990 the Parish purchased a new rectory offsite and began using the former rectory for office, classrooms, and a parish hall. In 2001 the adjacent property, now called the Grabowski Education Building, was purchased for additional parking, office, classroom, and meeting space.
There are 800 households and 2000 parishioners currently registered and active at St. Therese. We welcome vacationers and anyone looking for a place to worship, pray, and seek the healing and peace available here in Word, Sacrament and nature.
To view Online Giving options, please see our Online Giving page.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
You can donate to any “second collections” using envelopes that are mailed to you, envelopes that are in the pews, or by donating online.
If you have questions about how to do any of this, please contact the Parish Office. Thank you!
Due to our unique location and limited parking space, please keep in mind:
For beach parking:
Parishioners should watch for broadcast emails regarding parking lot updates or call the Parish Office with any questions.