Daily Mass TUE-FRI 12PM, Sat. 5 PM, SUN 8 & 10:30 AM - [FRI "Stations" 6PM]
Daily Mass TUE-FRI 12PM, Sat. 5 PM, SUN 8 & 10:30 AM - [FRI "Stations" 6PM]
Our Parishioners who have white 2024-2025 hangtags may use our lots for beach parking when there are no other activities on Parish property and there are no restrictions from Wrightsville Beach. You must display your current hangtag, as towing is in effect.
Please note: Paid parking is now in effect at Wrightsville Beach.
Please abide by the following guidelines:
Saturday Parking: ALL BEACH PARKERS (even those with 2024-2025 parking hangtags) must vacate all lots no later than 3:30 p.m. to allow space for those attending Reconciliation and Mass.
Sunday Parking: No beach parking (even those with 2024-2025 parking hangtags) until 12 Noon to allow parking space for those attending Mass.
No on-site parking during other Parish activities, including weddings, funeral masses, Confirmation, First Communion, etc. Please check our bulletin, our Facebook page, and this website for updates.
We are accepting on-site food donations at St. Therese! Please make sure your donated items are unopened and have not passed their expiration dates. The Pantry also requests healthy food (where possible), including those items that are low-sodium, reduced sugar, whole grain, etc.
Please leave your donated food items on the kitchen counter in the Parish Hall prior to Mass.
As always, thank you for your generosity to help those in need!