Daily Mass Tue-Fri 12 Noon, Sat. 5 PM, Sunday 8 AM and 10:30 AM
Daily Mass Tue-Fri 12 Noon, Sat. 5 PM, Sunday 8 AM and 10:30 AM
Those who have received their First Communion are invited to become Altar Servers, assisting at Masses, weddings and funerals. Contact Richard Ronne for more information at 910-253-7105.
Lay persons who have been Confirmed assist with distribution of Holy Communion at Mass or to homebound parishioners. Contact Heather McLaren at the Office: 910-256-2471.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass and may be asked to lead the General Intercessions. Contact Kathy Aux at 703-973-1276.
Sacristans open the church and set up for Mass, coordinate with the head usher to ensure assigned ministry individuals have arrived and signed in, help clear the sanctuary after Mass, and lock the church. Contact the Parish Office: 910-256-2471 .
The men and women in this ministry provide a welcoming presence and sense of hospitality. Ushers seat parishioners, take up offertory collection, distribute bulletins at the end of Mass, and facilitate the presentation of the gifts. Contact the office for more information.
This ministry enhances our worship with beautiful, sacred, liturgical music by serving as a musician, choir member, or cantor. For more information contact Kevin Donnelly at worship@catholicWB.org.