Daily Mass TUE-FRI 12PM, Sat. 5 PM, SUN 8 & 10:30 AM - [FRI "Stations" 6PM]
Daily Mass TUE-FRI 12PM, Sat. 5 PM, SUN 8 & 10:30 AM - [FRI "Stations" 6PM]
Looking for a way to give back to our community? Help is always appreciated at many organizations, including these outreach organizations:
There are many other area agencies that our parishioners volunteer for! We are known as "The Parish that Volunteers." Ask around and get involved.....
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who bring the Eucharist to the sick and those who are confined to their homes. Please contact the Parish office.
To bring some comfort; and to show our love and concern for those who have lost a loved one - by assisting with receptions following funeral Masses. Want to show the care of the St. Therese family? Contact Tracey Mansolillo, 910-297-6845.
Count and record the collections/donations from weekend Masses. Contact Carolyn Kranchalk at 910-228-4690.
Sharing faith with children and youth by "echoing the Gospel of Jesus Christ" as a leader or assistant. Contact the office for more information.